Friday, July 27, 2007

Happy Friday!

Hi everyone! It's a quiet night here in Gloucester, except for the kids outside skateboarding and making noise. Who skateboards in the dark at 10:00 at night?? Anyway, life is going well here. Michael spent the week in New Hampshire working at a construction site while I searched for a job. Depending on how the job thing goes, I may join him in the construction business next week. The guy he is working for offered to pay me to paint. :-) I did meet with a staffing firm, so hopefully a job will soon be found. The Braves are getting killed as I type this. Please do better soon Braves so I don't have to become a Red Sox fan!! [****Late add on to the blog - the Braves were down by 7 and have come back to within 1 at this point. They must have taken my threat seriously, even though no matter how bad they are, they will always be my "A" team! :-)]

So I thought I'd post a few random pictures for you. The first one is a shot I took on a really clear day. When the sky is clear, we can see the skyline of Boston from here. It's pretty cool. Hope you all have a great weekend!


Jill said...

You can make Boston your "B" team, but your Braves are making a comeback as I type this. Fan loyalty know no boundaries!

Congratulations on the opportunity to make some money. If you go paint next week, we want pictures!
Love you! Mom

Uncle John said...

Hi Tiffany... Love the pics on your site. You're quite the photographer! It looks like a beautiful place there.

Sorry the Braves came up short last night. They'll take the next two. Tori is actually in Phoenix visiting her dad right now. She arrived yesterday.

Take Care,
Uncle John

E said...

It is just gorgeous there! God has certainly placed both of us in beautiful places! Love you!
I am praying for a job opportunity!