Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Happy Tuesday

Today has been kind of a lazy, relaxing day, but we all need those sometimes. I'm still looking for a job and hope to have one very soon. I took a walk this afternoon and came across this gate in a rock wall. I've always loved gates like this that lead into gardens or something that you can't see. It's like something beckons to you to have enough faith to step through the gate and see what's inside. That's where I feel like I am in life right now, so I thought I'd share the gate picture with you. And I'm also including a picture of my cat laying out on our deck. If I put her on her leash and attach her leash to something, she just lays out there and enjoys the sunshine and the breeze. :-)

1 comment:

E said...

Hi there! Boston sure is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your new adventures with us! I love to see the pictures. :)
I shared your blog address with Jenny. I hope she will take some time to sit down and check it out! It is worth it!
I went to church on Sunday, and it felt different not to see you there! I am happy for you though! I am glad that you have this opportunity to see what God has in store for you.
I have joined the bloggin' world, too. Feel free to stop by sometime and see what is going on in my life!
Take care. I am prayin' for your job search!