Saturday, July 14, 2007

Ocean Lawn

We went exploring a bit today, which was cool. There is a hiking path that takes you through the woods - you would swear you're in the north GA mountains somewhere - that's what it looks like around you. Then you get to the end of the path and there is this HUGE meadow (called Ocean Lawn) where you could play several games of ultimate frisbee at once. At the end of the meadow is a panoramic view of the ocean, and you can walk on the rocks and cliffs. It was beautiful! Below are some pictures from both the woods and the ocean. It looks like pictures from two different vacations, but it's all in the same place! We are very much enjoying the beauty of God's creation that we are surrounded by.


Anonymous said...

What a fun adventure story! I will add this to my favorites and keep posted on the two of you! Tell Michael 'good morning' for me! I love you both! Betty Anne

E said...

Hey babe!
I just wanted to check in and see how the job search was going. I am praying for you, as is Jenny. We love you!