Monday, July 30, 2007

Get Busy Living....

Hello friends! I bring smiles to you from Boston's North Shore, where it is late and I should be sleeping, but it's hot without air conditioning and so I am typing instead. We don't have air conditioning in our apartment - you really only need it probably about a month out of the year, and since we get a breeze off the water, it's not awful. The worst is at night when you're trying to sleep. However, in a few weeks, the temps will go down while you guys will be in the hotness and humidity of August, so I won't complain!

Today was a good day....I ran some a phone interview for tomorrow (Tuesday) scheduled. This interview is the first in a 3 step process, so say some prayers at 2:30 on Tuesday. I'll keep you posted! Michael and I had a yummy dinner where we made buffalo chicken caesar wraps, and then we watched a movie. The Braves made a good trade today, and I'm pulling for a Braves/Boston World Series. How cool would that be???? Except I'm afraid Boston would kill us, but it would still be fun to be a part of.

Anyway, we watched "Shawshank Redemption" tonight. What a fabulous movie - one of my favorites! One of the best lines is where he says, "Get busy living or get busy dying." That's basically where God is leading me on my journey currently. We will all go through very difficult struggles and circumstances in our lives, and we can either stay focused on the circumstances, or we can focus on God and get busy living the unimaginable life He has for us to live!

Michael and I went sea kayaking yesterday. It was so incredibly cool. We went over by an island and paddled around it. When we were close to the shore, you could look into the water and see the coral and sea grass and such. It struck me as I was sitting there on the water how much of God's creation no one actually lays eyes on, yet it is still there, existing for His pleasure and His glory and to declare the greatness of His name.....

Miss you all. Have a great Tuesday and enjoy living today!


E said...

I am praying that the interview goes well! Let us know!

Love you!

Jill said...

"Get busy living". Thank you for the timely reminder of God's greatness and love. Great pictures! It really is time to get our card business started. :)
Love you! Mom

Anonymous said...

I have tried to "blog" twice now. This is my last attempt. :)

I love your writing and pictures. Your words especially remind me of God's graciousness and magnitude. Thanks for being a conduit of His love and wisdom! Have fun painting!