Friday, July 20, 2007


Hi everyone! I don't have a lot to report, but I figure if I don't post new entries regularly, you'll stop reading the blog, and that would be tragic. So, here is a new entry. I am still searching for a job. It's quite sad how many resumes I have sent out and not gotten a response from. Michael even got a job today - from an ad that I found! Hopefully something will come along soon. In the meantime, I shall post some random pictures for you to enjoy. The first one is a picture of my flowers again because they are growing really well and look pretty. If you feel the need, you can scroll down a few posts to compare the pictures. :-) Other pictures are ones I have taken before and just haven't posted. We miss you all - have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

Hey! I just got caught up on your blogs and pics. Even though I know you've heard it tons before, these are GREAT PICS! I'm glad Ellie's doing well. ~ kelly k

E said...

It is just gorgeous there Tiff. Wow! :)

Hang in there with the job search. I'm thinking of you. It can be so discouraging!

Have a great weekend!